Accounts & Billing FAQ
Can I change dedicated server type and options?
One of the great features of our dedicated server offering is that you may change models at any time. Contact support and make a request to change to the new model type.
When possible, we will migrate your data free of charge but there may be downtime depending on hardware configuration. Billing will stop for the old server and start for the new server without penalty.
When applicable, you can also add or remove options like additional RAM, external storage, firewall, etc. within your customer dashboard under the Add-Ons tab within the details of your subscription(s).
Changes to dedicated servers submitted to support via either method are managed via a work-order ticket and completed at the first available time (usually within an hour or two).
Can I change hosting plans?
Yes, we can move your Mac mini from one hosting plan to the other at no cost to you. This only applies to the Mac mini, since the Mac Pro is available solely on the Elite+ plan. Customers may login to their customer dashboard and open a support ticket to request a hosting plan change.
A change of hosting plans requires physically moving your server to a new rack slot. Your server will experience minor downtime during the move. Within your request ticket, we’ll work with you to reduce downtime via scheduling.
We will prorate your hosting charges that month based on the number of days your server spends on each hosting plan.
Can I pay with PayPal?
We currently do not accept payments with PayPal.
Can I pay with an invoice?
Yes. However, we do require payments of at least $1,000 for invoicing. If your monthly price is less than that, you can still receive an invoiced payment by pre-paying for one or two years.
Why was my credit card declined during the signup process?
At MacStadium, we make use of fraud protection services that use multiple layers of security to identify and stop fraud before it happens. These measures are in place to help ensure the security of our network and the best possible experience for our customers. Because of these additional security measures, it's possible that your credit card transaction could be flagged by the system during signup, even if the credit card is valid. If this happens, please contact us via phone, chat or open a ticket in your dashboard. Read more about this topic here.
What is a billing master?
For customers with a large number Mac servers, it’s far easier to combine your monthly expenses on one statement than to bill you for each subscription individually throughout the month. We offer a billing master subscription to cover this situation.
A billing master subscription combines all of your subscriptions and their components into a single placeholder subscription so you receive a simplified and bundled billing statement that makes account management much easier. This allows us to bill you once per month for all of your subscriptions, even if you add servers or add-ons at different times throughout the billing period.
How do I request changes to a billing master subscription?
All changes to an account while on a billing master must be submitted in a ticket. That includes any form of upgrade or downgrade to your services.
Where can I access my invoices?
Invoices for your individual subscription(s) are available in your customer dashboard in PDF format under the Billing tab within the details of your subscription(s). Each subscription has its own statement. For large numbers of servers, please get in touch with the billing team to discuss options for condensing billing statements.
How do I add more team members to my account?
Using the MacStadium customer dashboard you’re able to add multiple team members to your account and apply user-specific permissions to them. This allows you to grant access only to certain parts of the customer dashboard. For example, you could add someone of your accounting department to your account and only allow them to see accounting related parts of the dashboard.
If you would like to add another team member to your MacStadium account please first log into your customer dashboard. Click the silhouette of a person in the top right corner and select Team Member. From there you can add a new user using the New Team Member button in the top right.
Required items for you to fill out are:
Email address
The Phone Number
field is not required to be filled in.
Once you’ve added your team member to your account, our system will send an activation link to the specified email address allowing them to set a password for themselves.
How do I remove/archive a team member from my account?
If you would like to remove access from a team member, please first log into your customer dashboard. Click on the silhouette of a person in the top right corner and select Team Member.
From the Team Member page, you can edit a team member's information and permissions by clicking the Edit button. You can Archive a team member if you no longer want them to have access. To view all archived team members click the "Show Archived" checkbox.
How do I change my username (email)?
If you would like to change your username, please log into your customer dashboard.
- Add a new team member with the new username/email and set their
to Admin. - Log out, complete the new user setup (you will have received an email invitation to manage the account) and log back in with the newly created user.
- Archive the old user.
Can I get a copy of MacStadium's IRS Tax Form W-9?
Yes. Please email to request a copy.
Can I order additional IP addresses for my subscriptions?
To configure a second IP address in macOS, follow these steps:
Within System Preferences select “Network” and click the “+” button in the bottom left hand corner.
Under the “Interfaces” drop down, choose “Ethernet” and provide a name (you’re free to choose the name, eg. Ethernet 2). This will allow you to configure a second IP address under the new interface you created.
Another use for multiple IP addresses is when running VMware ESXi on your hosted Mac. When you start a hosted Mac subscription running VMware ESXi, it includes one IP address for public internet access. But, you’ll need to order more if you wish to build virtual machines that are publicly accessible via the internet.
We also offer large IP address blocks. A block must be ordered via support ticket. These make sense if you have a cluster of servers or virtual machines and need consecutive IP addresses.
Can I use FileVault on my Mac?
FileVault requires that a user logs in before the Mac connects to the internet. However, since the Macs are located in a remote data center, it's not possible for a customer to log in before the Mac has internet connectivity.
If you enable FileVault, you will lose access to the Mac upon the first reboot. Our support agents will have to wait for FileVault to fully encrypt the drives before we can un-encrypt them again. The entire process can typically take between 48-72 hours.
The following choices are your options for how our technical support staff disables FileVault on your hosted Mac:
Open a support ticket as soon as possible. If you’re in a trial period, we can take this server offline and get you set up with a new server so you don’t waste the trial period waiting for this server.
If this is a server you’ve been using for a while and you don’t wish to start fresh, let us know and we’ll pull the server to our workbench. From there, we’ll keep track and when encryption completes, we’ll start the decryption process. Afterwards, we’ll get the server back in the rack and let you know it’s available again.
How do I end or cancel my subscription?
How can I reactivate my cancelled Mac subscription?
In order to reactivate a Mac, log into the MacStadium portal and select the previously deactivated subscription. To do so, select the Actions button on the right of your subscription overview and select Reactivate from the drop down menu. A ticket will be automatically generated for our engineers to execute and you’ll be notified once the Mac is accessible.
When do volume discounts start?
We offer discounts starting at 50 hosts or more.
Updated 10 months ago